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Legnépszerűbb szótárak
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hun-ita, 147003 szó, 259 tag
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hun-eng, 112503 szó, 1,121 tag
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eng-ger, 105192 szó, 413 tag
Cover photo
ita-hun, 96538 szó, 259 tag


Legaktívabb felhasználók
liuchunkai képe
857 pont
life link képe
853 pont
490 pont
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484 pont

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Új szótárak létrehozásához be kell jelentkezni. Belépés...

Legutóbbi események

KevinMendoza képe

KevinMendoza replied on X-Men : Dark Phoenix Streaming,:

This is such a great movie I just watched the latest part of the movie at It's so interesting and I'm here to show you

2024/04/11 - 17:07
TonySmit képe

TonySmit replied on Supplements without side effects:

Sometimes it doesn't make sense to take medication, and many people are generally wary of medication of all kinds. I can't say I'm a fan of medication either, and if there's an alternative, I'll start...

2024/04/11 - 13:04
llushi képe

llushi replied on tömörtelenség:

You can find this term in the dictionary already; it's accessible under poki games.

2024/04/11 - 12:14
Anonymous képe

Anonymous szeretné a(z) 'steurung' szót hozzáadni a(z) Német-magyar szótár szótárhoz.

2024/04/11 - 12:03
kanelime képe

kanelime replied on Are there fakes for black caviar?:

What a helpful post! I receive a lot of important information from you. Thank you so much!
io games

2024/04/11 - 11:14
ebizneeds képe

ebizneeds replied on 2022 iOS App Development Trends You Need to Know:

With the rapid advancement of technology, iOS app development is continuously evolving. If you're planning to develop an iOS app,...

2024/04/11 - 10:58
ryichu képe

ryichu replied on rodelt:

even my cousin sister and or anyone playing this doodly game when you will play it?

2024/04/11 - 06:30
Alice12 képe

Alice12 replied on tömörtelenség:

This word is already in the dictionary, Friday Night Funkin you can look at it

2024/04/11 - 05:18
mayert32 képe

mayert32 replied on musical:

Geometry dash lite offers a wide variety of player-created levels, offering endless replayability.

2024/04/11 - 04:58